TBY-8 Transceiver

The navy model TBY-8 equipment is a very high frequency transmitter-receiver of the ultra-portable or pack type. The equipment provides 2-way communication by either voice (telephone) or MCW (telegraphy) on any one of 131 different channels in 4 bands with frequency range of 28 to 80 Mc. The equipment is supplied complete, including battery, power supply and antenna and can be set up for operation in a minimum of time. It is designed for carrying as a knapsack load and can be operated by one man while it is mounted on his back.




  TBY-8 Transceiver    
Freq. cov. 28  to 80 MHz in 4 bands.
RF Pwr Out 0.5 W
Pwr Supply Battery packs navy type CNC-19018B
Weight 33.7 lbs with battery
Tubes 2x30, 1x1E7G, 3x958A, 1x959