Mk. 123 Transceiver
England year 1956 - 57

The Mk.123 is a hf transceiver for special communications as clandestine and diplomatic service. The equipment is carried in a canvas transit case or stowed with associated ancillaries in a wooden transit case.




  Mk. 123 Transceiver    
Freq. coverage

Circuit Features



Circuit Features

Freq. coverage

Power Supply


2.5-20 Mhz in three ranges
Superhet with RF stage and BFO (AM R/T and CW)
465 KHz
3 x EF72 (CV465), 3 x EA76 (CV466), 1 x QS1202 (CV4052)

CO, RF power amplifier (CW only)
2.5-20 Mhz
1 x 5A/163K (CV1635),
1 x 5B/251M or 5B/254M,
1 x OC72 (CV2400)
Mains:100-150V 200-250V in 10V steps AC40-250Hz
Hand generator:Mk.801A
Batteries: 12V DC using external power supply unit MK.123V
Receiver/Transmitter 8.5 x 13.6 x 29.9 cm weight 3.5 kg;
12v inverter: 8.5 x 13.7 x 12.2 cm weight 1.7 kg;
Complete wooden box: 24 x 19 x 34 cm weight 7.9 kg