Radio Set SCR-694 / BC-1306
Year 1944

Radio Set SCR-694 / BC-1306 is a compact and efficent two way radio telephone and radio telegraph unit which will provide communication between moving or stationary vehicles, or as a portable field radioset. This set will provide communication up to 15 miles on voice and upto 30 miles on continuous wave (cw) between moving vehicles.




  Radio Set SCR-694 / BC-1306    
Freq. cov.: 3.800 to 6.500 Kc Cristal
used in the transmitting
operate at one half of the
transmitting frequency.
IF: 456 Kc
Continuous wave (cw) radio
Voice modulated radio
telephone (phone) amplitude
Tone modulated radio
telegraph, modulated
countinuous wavw (mcw),
amplitude modulated.
Tubes: RX:
2 x 1L4
2 x 1R5
1 x 1S5
1 x 3Q4
1 x 2 E22
2 x 3A4
1 x VR105
Pwr supply: 6,12,24V with Power Unit
PE-237 or Hand Kranked
Generator GN-58
Weight: 191.5 pounds for complete radio set