Radio Receiving Set AN/ARR-7 R-45
Year 1944

Radio Receiving Set AN/ARR-7 is an airborne search receiver intended to locate enemy radar radio Frequency channels and communications equipment operating in the frequency range 0.55 to 42 megacycles. This receiver is designed to be used with equipment which will indicate visually and aurally the presence and character of received signals over a pre-determined sector of a given tuning band.. It may be operated with Radar Indicator Assembly AN/APA-6 or AN/APA-11, Panoramic Adapter AN/APA-10 or BC-1050, and Photographic Adapter AN/APA-7. Radio Receiving Set AN/ARR-7 accepts either amplitude modulated or frequency modulated telephone signals and unmodulated continuous wave (c-w) code signals over the frequency range from 0.55 to 42 megacycles.




  AN/ARR-7 R-45  

Frequency coverage: 0.55 to 42 MHz in 6 bands
IF: 455 Kc
Tubes: 4x 6SK7, 2x 6SA7, 1x 6AB7,
1x 6H6, 1x 6J5 1 x 6SQ7, 1 x 6V6,
1 x OD3-VR-150
Dimensions: 21 5/8 x 10 7/16 x 7 3/4 high
Weight: 36.7 pounds receiver only
Manual: AN-16-30ARR7-2