AN/APQ-2 T-9 “Rug”
 Airborne Jamming Transmitter
Production : General Motors , Delco Radio Division
Year 1943

Transmitting Equipment AN/APQ-2 T-9 is an airborne barrage jamming euipment intended to confuse or obliterate the information presented by enemy radar operating in the frequency range of 200 megacycles to 550 megacycles. The equipment produce an Ultra High Frequency carrier which is amplitude modulated by hash or a noise signal. The modulator signal has components extending from 100 kilocycles to 3.5 megacycles. The modulated signal containes components from the carrier frequency to 3.5 megacycles.Power output varies from 20 watts at the lowest frequency to 5 watts at the highest frequency which produces the Ultra Hight Frequency disturbance to Jam enemy radar reception.




Frequency coverage:
200 – 550 MHz
3 x 6AC7, 2 x 807, 1 x 931, 2 x 388A
Antenna: AS-65 / APQ-2
Output Power: 5-20 watts
Power supply:
   27 vdc (+/- 3 volts) 1.2 Amp
   80 – 115 vac 400 -2.000 cycles
Dimensions: 7 5/8 x 10 ¼ x 21 inch
Weight: 42 lbs
Manual: AN-16-30AP2-3



